Posted in Ten Thought Tuesday

Ten Thought Tuesday: May 16th 2017


  1. I decided it was time to change my TTT image.  What do you think?
  2. Today is a beautiful day so I decided to make myself an iced matcha this morning in the mug I made a couple of weekends ago when I went to a ceramic cafe with my friends.  #awesome IMG_3417
  3. You might have noticed that I haven’t posted a Sunday Runday post in two weeks.  I’m not sure what happened, but I need to get a grip.  I know that if I start running again, the rest will follow.  Send me some good vibes, ok?
  4. Yesterday was Elliot’s second appointment with our osteopath.  She’s working on helping him deal with colds better so that they don’t drag on or turn into ear infections anymore.  His third and last treatment is in a few weeks.

    Just chillin’ in the waiting room.
  5. I recently discovered the @vibrantandpure Instagram account and I’ve been finding myself drooling uncontrollably ever since.  I decided to try her technique out and perk up the cream cheese for the kids’ bagels this morning.  Here’s how things came out.  Needless to say, the kids were very impressed when they saw their breakfast.

    From top to bottom: matcha, maqui powder, acai powder, paprika & curry powder
  6. Because I like to try new things, I decided to set up my late grandmother’s old (according to the instruction manual 1971) sewing machine and learn how to sew.  I figured I would try to make a doll mei tai for my daughter.  I was surprised by how much I liked sewing and by the fact that the things I was making were relatively decent.  I made oodles of mistakes, but they have allowed me to learn a great deal, so all in all, it’s a good thing.  The problem is that once I was halfway through the headrest, the machine stopped working.  Namely, the needle isn’t picking up the thread from the bobbin anymore.  Urgh!  At first, I thought the bobbin had emptied itself, but it hadn’t.  I re-threaded the whole thing, but it didn’t work.  Any tips before I bring it to get serviced?
  7. Did everyone have a good Mother’s Day?  I was spoiled with a massage, a lovely bouquet of tulips (my favourite flower) and we had a really lovely raclette supper.
  8. This morning, I brought Elliot out in the front yard.  He’s not a fan of the grass, but at least, he doesn’t cry when he’s sitting in it (he just doesn’t move haha!). IMG_3430
  9. Elliot has pretty much dropped his morning nap.  He can generally stay awake for the full hour it takes me to drop the kids at daycare and get back home in the morning.  If he sleeps, it’s generally a mere 5-10 minutes, then he’s happy as a clam once we get out of the minivan.  Amélie and Charles had dropped their morning nap at about the same age.
  10. Amélie is officially out of training pants for nights.  As for Charles, he wakes up dry about one day per week.  I noticed that when he ends up going to bed around 8 rather than 7:30, he almost always wakes up dry.  I don’t want to make a habit of getting him to bed that late, so I might have to move up supper instead.

What’s on your mind this Tuesday?

Posted in Ten Thought Tuesday

Ten Thought Tuesday: May 9th 2017


  1. I am so behind in my blog reading!  I really need to find some time to catch up.
  2. We’ve been dealing with the consequences of floods caused by the unrelenting rain around here.  At our house, we’re fine, but a few blocks away, roads are closed because of flooding.  One of the two bridges that lead to the island of Montreal is closed so traffic is horrendous.  Luckily, the road I take to drive the kids to daycare isn’t affected.
  3. Today is supposed to be the worst day and water levels are supposed to start receding starting tomorrow.  It’s hard to believe, though as this is what is forecasted for the next week.
  4. Despite the crappy weather, we managed to get some time outside when it was nice out (meaning just super cloudy).  The kids went to the park and had some fun.
  5. We had a really busy but super fun weekend.  On Friday, my husband and I managed to go to the restaurant just the two of us.  Then, on Saturday, we went to see our friends to celebrate their son’s birthday party.  Charles, Amélie and Elliot had a blast.    Finally, on Sunday, after going to the pool (Charles and Elliot) and gymnastics (Amélie) classes, we went to my parents’ house for a lovely family brunch.  Afterwards, I went to a ceramic cafe with my two friends for some girls-only time together and they all stayed for supper.
  6. The neon noodles I made last week turned out wonderfully!  My kids gobbled them up.  Well, except Elliot.  He wasn’t impressed and just threw them on the floor.  I just tossed them in garlic butter and served them with sweet and sour chicken and steamed broccoli.IMG_3278
  7. I’ve recently discovered a love for matcha tea.  I went to David’s tea about a week ago and bought some peach matcha.  It is so delicious!  It’s great as a hot latte, just plain hot and is amazing as iced tea (not that I’m drinking much iced tea these days).  I’ve yet to try it as an iced latte, but I’m certain it will be awesome.
  8. I recently read an article on the Dirty Dozen on the David Suzuki website.  I checked through my makeup and realized that everything I own (not that I own much) contains at least one ingredient from the dirty dozen.  Since I’ve been wanting to wear makeup more often, I started researching brands that don’t contain any of the offending ingredients, but I keep coming up short.  I think I’ll just give up and go back to my au naturel look.
  9. I haven’t gone out for a run, or a swim, or done any type of physical activity since last Thursday when I played some squash with my husband.  I am going totally nuts, but I’ve been feeling under the weather recently (thank you dear children and husband for kindly sharing your colds with me) and have been faced with rain and cold temps outside (did I mention that yesterday, it snowed!).
  10. Tonight, I’m planning on making some oven-baked crispy skinned chicken thighs with steamed green beans, pearled barley and an acorn squash puree.  It’s going to be yummy!  What are you eating tonight?

What’s on your mind this Tuesday?


Posted in Ten Thought Tuesday

Ten Thought Tuesday: March 21st


  1. I want to take the time to thank three amazing bloggers for some award nominations.  Valerie, Cheila and Tami nominated me for the Liebster, Cramm and Blogger Recognition Award respectively.  I haven’t had time to post yet, but I’m working on them!
  2. I just realized that Elliot hit the 9 month mark yesterday.  How did that happen?
  3. Today, we’ve got a packed morning.  We’re in need of changing the windows to our house so my husband and I are going window shopping (quite literally ha!) after driving the kids to daycare.
  4. Tomorrow is Elliot’s 9 month well visit.  I really love his doctor (who’s actually not a pediatrician but my GP).  She’s fantastic and has taken Charles and Amélie as well.  I am very happy because I’ve never been satisfied with the previous pediatrician.
  5. Last weekend, Charles went to a sugar shack with my sister and her boyfriend.  He slept over at her place on Friday evening, then, the next day, took the subway and a coach bus to get there.  He was ecstatic because he loves the guy so much!

    Hard to tell who’s happiest to be there!
  6. I just ordered a steam mop to replace the Swiffer and traditional mop we have.  I am ridiculously excited over the purchase and can’t wait to try it out.  I’m certain it’ll make my life a lot easier.
  7. On Sunday I ran my first transition run.  Considering I ran twice as long as I should have by accident, it went really well.  I was following the advice to run at 180 strides per minute, but will have to tone it down as it is too quick to be a sustainable pace for me currently.  I have to say though, my calves were on fire yesterday and they’re still sore today.  I’m eager to see how today’s run will go.

    Notice the funky shape of the shoes? That’s what makes them so comfortable! No more scrunched up toes.
  8. I’m not sure what I want to eat for supper tonight.  What are you guys eating?
  9. I had my first taste of matcha tea on Sunday.  It was peach-flavoured, it was iced and it was yummy!  I’m seriously considering buying some to make at home.
  10. Over the weekend, we went to the library to get some new books.  I’m so happy because I’m rediscovering my love of reading.  I picked up the second tome of the Deathnote manga.  What are you currently reading?

What’s on your mind this Tuesday?  Feel free to comment of link up to a random thought post of your own!