Posted in Blogging

Boston, Here We Come…Almost…

Look what came in the mail today!


YAY!  Little Dude’s passport!  Complete with a super-awesome photo (which we had to redo because he had red eyes in the first…)

The perfect passport photo! No smile, mouth closed, eyes open and exempt of red spots! And it only took about 30 seconds! This little man is talented :D.

Now that I have my passport and his, we can go to Boston in October during the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend!  Yay!  Of course, Mr. Procrastinator (aka Little Dude’s dad) needs to fill in the small details left in his passport request (because, you know, yours truly decided to fill out the nitty gritty for him) “ahem, ahem” *wink, wink*.

Of  course, now we have to start to think about what we want to do and I think you, fellow bloggers/followers are the PERFECT brainstorming buddies!

We actually only have one stop planned: the LEGO store.  I know, sad, but you know, we don’t have any of those where I come from and since papa is a super-mega AFOL (adult fan of LEGO) and I’ve rediscovered my love of them with the Architecture line (which I am surely going to use in a learning situation if I teach Science next year), well, it’s a must.

Thing is though, I don’t think we’ll be spending three days in the LEGO store.  As such, I’m looking for some suggestions.

Sooooo…what are some musts for our little family to see on our first ever trip to the “Modern Athens”?



Thirty-something year old discovering the joys and bumps of motherhood.

7 thoughts on “Boston, Here We Come…Almost…

  1. Its probably sad but I think my hubs would spend 3 days in the lego store. He has been there though and says the aquarium is pretty cool. (LIttle Dude would probably love it! I know my monsters would!!)

  2. I wish I knew so I could tell you! I would love to visit Boston (and other New England cities)! Have fun wherever you choose to go. 🙂

Let me know what you think! Please?!?